Chair: Nick Bradley

Vice-Chair: Mark Thomas

Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer: Mel Liversage


  • Nick Bradley – Chair and Allotments Co-ordinator, Ide Community Orchard MG, Weir Meadow WG and Joint Projects Fundraising  WG
  • Rachel Herbert – Planning Committee, Weir Meadow and Joint Projects Fundraising WG
  • Mark Thomas –  Vice Chair, Planning Committee, Tree Warden, Ide Community Orchard MG,  School Liaison and Play Area
  • Paula Burton-Perrett – Flood Prevention and Emergency Planning WG, Village Hall Liaison
  • Ben Ervine – Website Co-ordinator, Chair of the Planning Committee, Food Prevention and Emergency Planning  WG, Tree Warden
  • Laura Bell – School Liaison and Play Area, Planning Committee, 20 is Plenty and Safeguarding Officer
  • Nick Creasy – Tree Warden, Emergency Planning
  • Sarah Tiley – Cemetery administrator
  • Patrick Irwin – Planning Committee, Community Orchard MG

Members’ Register of Interests (as referenced in the Code of Conduct).