We recognise that this is a very difficult time for all and as a community we want to make sure that everyone is cared for.
In response to the Covid 19 crisis, a small working group with representatives from different sections of our community, led by the Parish Council, met up with the primary objective of ensuring help and support is available for everyone – especially those who may be vulnerable or might be self isolating.
Ide Parish Council are now working in partnership with our Ide Community Shop and Ide Angels – a volunteer group led by the brilliant Sophie Caunter, who has recruited volunteers through social media and her network of friends and neighbours. We have had a fantastic response to the request for helpers and now have about 30 volunteers who are already providing support to local residents.
At the moment we are ensuring people have help with their grocery shopping and errands, but we’re open to supporting you further as the need arises.
We’ll be distributing flyers through the village with details of this service and how to access it.
If you need groceries you can phone the Ide Community shop directly on 01392 410035. Orders, payment and delivery time can now be arranged and made over the phone. Our amazing shop has been working incredibly hard with suppliers to ensure we are well stocked!
Or alternatively you can send your request through to our dedicated email account idevolunteers@hotmail.co.uk and an Ide Angel will pick up your request and respond.
For more information or if you wish join our volunteers please contact idevounteers@hotmail.co.uk
Lastly I would like to give a big heartfelt thank you to everyone who has made this possible, by responding so quickly and helping us to put this in place.
Paula Burton Perrett