The parish council of Ide is made up of 9 elected volunteer councillors including a Chair and Vice-Chair. In addition the council employs a clerk who is responsible for calling meetings, sending out agendas, preparing minutes, and conducting correspondence. The clerk is also the responsible financial officer for the parish council and manages the council’s finances and accounts. Councillors are normally elected for 4 years. The chairman is elected annually.
Meetings are bi-monthly, and include a 10 minute period where members of the public can ask questions or make representations about items on the agenda for that meeting, or raise issues for consideration at future meetings at the descretion of the chairman. If you have an issue you would like the council to discuss, you can also contact the chairman or another parish councillor to request this. Requests for items to be considered for inclusion on the agenda should be made at least 14 days before the date of the meeting. Dates of meetings and the agenda are advertised three clear days ahead in Coronation Gardens, in Ide Times and on the village website and calendar. The minutes of each meeting are available on this website.
The main activities of Ide Parish Council include:
Setting the annual precept (local rate) to cover the Council’s running costs including expenditure on staff, administration, buildings, public lighting, amenity areas, grants, capital projects & the annual production of accounts for public accountability.
Liaison with the local police and Neighbourhood Watch on crime, security and traffic issues.
Scrutiny and comment on planning applications within the parish, submitted to the local planning authority, Teignbridge District Council.
Initiation of capital projects to improve the environment, appearance and amenities within the village.
Maintenance, repairs and improvements to parish facilities including recreational areas, public spaces and cemetery.
Liaison with other local authorities on the maintenance, repair and improvement of highways, drainage, footpaths, cycleways, public transport, street cleaning, conservation matters including trees and listed buildings, & environmental issues.
Other websites that may be of interest include: