24th November 2015

25th Meeting. This meeting was at Teignbridge District Council with Claire Blaney and Rob Kelly. We discussed Pynes Farm owned by the Church Commissioners and 2 other sites of possible car parks, recognising that these were privately owned and unlikely to be relinquished for parish use. We also talked about village trees and orchards as part of protected green spaces.

With reference to further help, we were advised to contact a couple of local Neighbourhood Plan committees to find out about help they had had. It was suggested that once we had got independent advice, we were not that far from the pre – consultation stage. Rob Kelly advised us about the Grants system for employing planning advisers and production costs. TDC also have an in-house design and print service at minimal cost. We were greatly encouraged by the positive nature of this meeting.

10th November 2015

24th Meeting We discussed our meeting with Jo Widdecombe and wondered whether she could be of help to us despite her unquestioned abilities and expertise. She had kindly sent us some links that she thought would be useful but we felt that the tasks before us seemed rather daunting and we decided to contact Claire Blaney at TDC once more to see how she could help.

It was decided to give a progress report to parishioners via the Ide Times and request further help from any interested parishioners.

Appendix 14 Ide Times Dec2015pages

We also decided to consult businesses within the parish that we knew about and Sue Cloke was asked to compile a list of businesses and to draft a letter inviting them to respond.

Appendix 15 Letter to businesses December 2015

28th October 2015

23rd Meeting. This meeting was for Jo Widdecombe to introduce herself and to show how she could help our group to complete the NP process together with the issues that we would need to address. We discussed grant application, our conformity with the Local Plan, the National Planning Framework, Sustainable Development, our project plan.

3rd September 2015

22nd Meeting. Chris Bishop and Sue Cloke at the Community Council of Devon, now called Devon Communities Together. The meeting was scheduled in order to plan our way forward. We discussed ‘policies”, in particular housing, any evidence for housing within the village boundary, involvement with the community. We expressed our need for help from a planning advisor and Martin suggested someone who has experience of Neighbourhood Plans. Chris Bishop has since contacted her and an initial meeting is planned for early October. We discussed grants for her employment together with funds for the production and distribution of the Final Draft Plan to parishioners. We also discussed whether the proposed Park and Ride scheme needs our involvement.

August 2015

Chris Bishop consulted with Rob Kelly at Teignbridge re Grants and the further statements required. He offered to help with grant application and was helpful on how to approach these statements. Martin Parkes was then contacted and an appointment made for 3rd September to discuss planning consultants/ grants/ our questionnaire evidence base/ conditions and consultation statement.

29th July 2015

21st Meeting. Chris Bishop, Peter Pattison and Sue Cloke met to plan the next stages. We decided that the rewriting of the policies needed to be completed following meetings with the necessary agencies/owners. The particular areas of concern were the area behind the Huntsman Public house, Weir Meadow, and Pynes Farm. We also decided that a meeting needed to be arranged with Martin Parkes at the Community Council of Devon to help with these problems and also the employment of a planning officer/consultant to help speed up the process. We discussed what funding would be necessary for the rest of the process. There would also be help in applying for a grant to pay for a planning consultant and the final consultation of parishioners prior to the presentation of the plan to Teignbridge and the Parish.

22nd June 2015

20th Meeting. Chris Bishop and Peter Pattison met with Martin Parkes at the CC of Devon Offices on Marsh Barton, Exeter. He had looked at the website and we presented him with our 2nd Draft. All seemed alright except for the policies which were too specific. We agreed to have another look at these policies and agreed to rewrite them. Martin responded by email to our meeting outlining that a conditions statement and a consultation statement need to be written and he sent the url links for these.

8th June 2015

19th meeting. Chris Bishop, Peter Pattison, Sue Cloke and Nick Bradley attended in order to explore the policies but in particular the Pynes Farm Development. Nick has had correspondence with the Church Commissioner’s solicitors for some time and we all needed to clarify the position so far. The CC have long had an interest in developing this area and it was mentioned quite frequently in the questionnaire responses. The CC know that a NP is in the making and any possible development there would need careful consideration. The Community Council of Devon may be helpful in this.

22nd April 2015

CB and PP toured the village with the village map to study potential areas.

20th April 2015

18th Meeting with all four members of the Steering Group.Prior to this meeting, group members were asked to refer to the their section of Questionnaire responses and to bring ideas to the meeting on what would be our Key Policies. Roger Luscombe, who has previous experience of planning agreed to attempt to write an initial draft of these policies.

We discussed progress to date and planned the way forward. Roger brought his policy ideas and with the maps supplied we highlighted parishioners areas of concern and possible future development.

Chris Bishop agreed to amend the 1st Draft and include Roger Luscombe’s 3 identified policies ready for presentation to the CC of Devon.

Chris Bishop and Peter Pattison would explore the village to study the areas of possible development and Car Parking, which had been identified as a major problem.

8th April 2015

17th meeting. Chris Bishop, Peter Pattison and Roger Luscombe attended a meeting with Claire Blaney at TDC in Newton Abbot. She had been informed of our progress as published on the Parish website and she appeared impressed by our achievements so far. However, our first draft understandably had shortcomings in that it diid not contain any actual Key Policies, which form the backbone of any plan. We agreed to address this as soon as possible and were informed that these policies were sometimes difficult and that the necessary help from a planning consultant would speed up the process. The Community Council of Devon on Marsh Barton had been involved in Exminster’s NP, which we were shown and they would be a helpful organisation for us to contact. Rob Kelly joined our meeting and talked about the grants available and offered his help in completion of the relevant forms and where to download them.

As a result of this meeting we agreed to delete areas of repetition in our 1st Draft and to incorporate policies based on the parishioners responses to the questionnaire. Claire would send us copies of the parish and village maps to help identify areas.

24th March 2015

16th meeting. Chris Bishop and Peter Pattison used this meeting to begin the process of writing the first draft of our Neighbourhood Plan. This was then completed by Chris Bishop ready for presentation to Claire Blaney at Teignbridge.

18th March 2015

15th meeting. Chris Bishop and Sue Cloke discussed her text for ‘The History of Ide.’ This was a thorough and comprehensive piece and although perhaps too long to be included in its entirety in the NP, it was decided to modify its length but to present the whole text at the next Parish Council meeting for its inclusion on the Parish website.

9th March 2015

14th meeting. Chris Bishop and Roger Luscombe the topics- ‘Vision of the Future’ and ‘Potential for Growth.’

2nd & 3rd March 2015

13th meeting. All present. Having devised our contents page, we had all spent time during the months on the actual content, each of us having a responsibility of a particular section. This meeting was to begin the process of collating the various texts.

Appendix 13 Our Village by sue cloke.